Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Final: Part 2

A. I like that Mr.Haymore lets us have free time after we finish everything we have to do. What i don't like about the class is when we have to do a lot of typing.
B.I think if we do less work we can improve this class .
C. In the beginning i did not try my best but later on i tried my best to do everything.
D. I sometimes read my life planning goals at home but sometimes i forget because i get lazy.
E. I am kinda committed to being a ctr student because i don't swear as much as i used to.
F. I will try not to smoke or do bad things to become responsible for my body-spirit-mind.

Final: Part 1

My experience on the interdisciplinary project was not that bad because i actually kinda liked working in a group. my part was the third slide and i had to do research and it was kinda easy. i missed some of days when we had to work on the project. I got behind a lot and everybody was doing their slide and i still had to work on my paragraph. when i finished i had to do my slide right away or i was going to even more behind. I didn't know what i was gonna say in the presentation. When i figured it out i had to study for the practice presentation i did alright but i need to speak out louder. on the day we had to present i was nervous i thought i was gonna do bad but i did pretty good.
Student Success Statement 

"when I do good I feel good. When I do bad I feel bad."

Abraham Lincoln

when you do something good like helping the homeless you will feel good after. If you do something bad like commit a crime you will feel bad.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Student success statement
“Take responsibility for your own body, mind, and spirit, for your own physical, mental and spiritual well being.”

Mr. Haymore

I think this quote means that if you take responsibility of your self you will be responsible of your physical,mental and spiritual health. you can eat healthy to keep your physical health good. you can read or learn more for mental health and you can go to church if you are religious.